Dayton Auto and Memorabilia Museum | A Collection of Automotive History
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Antique Cord Memorabilia

Noted for its innovative technology and streamlined designs, the Cord automobile was manufactured in the late 1920s and 1930s, just 60 miles from our location in Dayton, Ohio. As proud caretakers of 1936 and 1937 Cords, the Dayton Auto & Memorabilia Museum seeks to understand, acquire, and curate historically relevant materials and advertising related to this American icon.

Snapshots in Time

For us, understanding and recording the history behind each one of our automobiles is just as important as the maintenance and preservation of the vehicles themselves! This attention to historical detail carries over into the Museum’s memorabilia and even our facility itself. The Dayton Auto & Memorabilia Museum building enjoys some vintage significance, once belonging to McCook Field, an early aviation experimentation and innovation hub. This photo, taken in 1925, shows the 750 employees of the Air Service’s Engineering Division, some of whom likely worked in our building.

Visit the Museum

The Dayton Auto & Memorabilia Museum is dedicated to recording and preserving the automotive past for the understanding and enjoyment of future generations. We do this through research, acquisition, preservation, public displays, touring, and online resource sharing. Since we are a volunteer-staffed non-profit, our museum does not have fixed hours of operation. However, we invite you to schedule some time for our curator to walk you through our collection. Click the link below to schedule a time to tour the facility and experience a meandering “ride” through time.

Coming Soon:

Check back soon for details.

Model Railroad Exhibit!

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